[Request] World War Z Aftermath Request


New member
I.Game name: World War Z Aftermath
II.Game engine: Swarm Engine
III.Game version : Latest game version (Patch 10 August 2023-Major Changes)
Mods required:
1.Teleport where crosshair is pointed
2.Unlimited ammo-Primary/Secondary
3.Unlimited Heavy Ammo-Could be server sided
4.No recoil
5.No spread
6.Rapid Fire
7.Unlimited equipment
8.Fov changer
9.No Clip
10.Glow Items/Item wallhack breaching charges,documents,weapons,stashes,ammo boxes,
11.Special zombies glow items/wall hack-Lurker,Bull,Spitter,Bomber,Gas Bag,Booster(zombie that infect other zombies and are able to pin you down instantly)
12.Unlimited melee stamina
13.Unlimited running stamine
14.Unlimited health(could be server sided)
15.One hit kill(could be server sided)
IV.Steam Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/699130/World_War_Z/
There s an epic version too for which I can provide the developer an account with the game on it.
I can provide additional information if needed like adresses or pointers if the developer needs.
Please do this game!
You guys are amazing!