[Mods] Assassin’s Creed Shadows


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Assassin’s Creed Shadows Mods v1.0

Game Name: Assassin’s Creed Shadows
Game Source: Steam + Microsoft Store + Epic Games + Free versions
Game Process: Assassin’s Creed Shadows.exe

Available cheats

Infinite Health
Infinite Adrenaline
Infinite Oxygen
Easy Kills
Unlimited Consumables
Infinite Item
Infinite Mastery Points
Ghost Mode
Get Inventory
Selected Item
Edit Amount
Mega Armor Damage
Edit Armor Damage Multiplier
Perk Points
Edit Perk Points
Edit XP Multiplier
Infinite XP Multiplier
Instant Skill Cooldown
Infinite Rations
Infinite Throwables

How to mod (video)



These mods were tested on Steam version but perhaps work for other version too.

How to use this game mod?
The instructions are similar to using Cheat Engine Tables
  1. Install Mod Engine
  2. Search for game and select the available mods
  3. Select the game process similar to using Cheat Engine.
  4. Click on or press hotkeys for each trainer option you wish to activate
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How to use the "Get Inventory" I don't understand
It will get data from your inventory then you can use the child/sub options. It is required to be enabled before you can use the nested options inside it.

Watch the tutorials in tutorials section to understand how to enable different options
Do I need premium version to set the value for any of the multiplier/items?
Don't press Enter. Use up or down arrow after editing the value.
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Assassin's Creed Shadows Mods v1.0

Nome do jogo: Assassin's Creed Shadows
Fonte do jogo: Steam + Microsoft Store + Epic Games + Versões gratuitas
Processo do jogo: Assassin's Creed Shadows.exe

Cheats disponíveis

Saúde Infinita
Adrenalina infinita
Oxigênio Infinito
Mortes fáceis
Consumíveis ilimitados
Item infinito
Pontos de Maestria Infinitos
Modo Fantasma
Obter inventário
Item selecionado
Editar Quantidade
Mega Dano de Armadura
Editar multiplicador de dano de armadura
Pontos de Perk
Editar pontos de vantagens
Editar multiplicador de XP
Multiplicador de XP infinito
Tempo de recarga de habilidade instantâneo
Rações Infinitas
Arremessáveis Infinitos

Como modificar (vídeo)


Nada notável

Esses mods foram testados na versão Steam, mas talvez funcionem em outras versões também.
onde está o link do mod ??