[Mods] Age of Mythology Retold

It works, simply:
  1. Run ME,
  2. Turn on cheats,
  3. Close ME,
  4. Open Steam version of AoM:R,
  5. Enjoy.

The only flaw is that if the Hero is Ranged, it doesn't increase their damage output and Amanra you need to disable auto skill otherwise she may freeze and "vanish".
steam version.i follow the instructions.the mod doesnt work anymore with the new update.

I tested it again with the latest steam version and it is working beautifully. Do you have an antivirus that could be blocking the download of app files?

This mod is made differently to all our others because of this game's intrusive anti-cheat so if you have an antivirus interfering with the app then that's probably the issue.

Please read the instructions again and try. First, use the disable all mods option then enable the mods you wish to use reading the instructions on what they do.

If you still have issues, I guess I could teamview and figure out what's going wrong but I am really busy unfortunately so it won't be timely.